MAGIC Pinterest Marketing Guide – Tips for 2024

Are you ready to take your Pinterest marketing to the next level in 2024? Look no further than the MAGIC Pinterest Marketing Guide. Based on the hottest trends and top statistics from 2023, this guide offers insider tips and tricks to help you maximize your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Visual searches and shoppable pins remained top trends in 2023, with users drawn to engaging visual content that makes shopping seamless and enjoyable. This shows in the fact that 83% of Pinterest users buy things they find on the platform.

In 2022, the number of active Pinterest users surpassed 450 million. Pinterest also saw a 60% increase in the number of male users, creating a broader market for advertisers and marketers.

If you’re ready to tap into this powerful marketing tool and increase your reach among potential customers, this guide is a must-read. From perfecting your pin descriptions and board names to creating fresh, shareable content, we’ve got you covered. 

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What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a social media platform that serves as a visual search engine, allowing users to discover, curate, and share content in the form of pins on virtual boards.

What is Pinterest marketing?

Pinterest marketing is the use of the Pinterest platform to promote a business, brand, or product. It involves creating and curating content in the form of pins and boards that appeal to your target audience and drive engagement.

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Pinterest marketing aims to leverage the platform’s visual nature and active user base to increase brand recognition, drive traffic to a website, and ultimately convert potential customers into loyal ones.

One of the primary goals of Pinterest marketing is to drive traffic to a website. Pinterest is an excellent source of referral traffic, and marketers can use it to direct users to their website or blog.

By adding website links to their pins, marketers can encourage users to click through to their website, where they can learn more about the brand, its products, or services. The more traffic a website receives, the higher the chances are of generating leads or making sales.

Another goal of Pinterest marketing is to increase brand awareness. Pinterest has a large and active user base, which provides businesses with an opportunity to reach potential customers and increase their brand’s exposure.

By creating pins and boards that showcase their products or services, businesses can increase their visibility on the platform and reach a wider audience. By engaging with users through comments, likes, and shares, businesses can further increase their brand’s reach and build brand loyalty.

Is Pinterest still good for marketing

Pinterest is an extremely effective marketing tool that businesses can use to increase brand awareness, improve product discovery, drive website traffic, and reach new potential customers.

With 450 million active users, Pinterest offers businesses the chance to connect with a massive audience and promote their brand in an engaging and visual way.

Pinterest users generate over 2 billion monthly searches on the platform, so a little SEO (search engine optimization) goes a long way.

Note: I use an app called SocialBee to schedule most of my pins ahead of time and automate sharing new articles. Claim your 14-day free trial for SocialBee.

How to Use Pinterest for Marketing

There are many ways that marketers can use this platform to promote their brand and reach new potential customers. By following best practices and publishing consistently, businesses can make the most out of this powerful marketing tool and leverage it to boost sales.

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Beginner guide to Pinterest publishing

It’s important to understand the basics of pinning and creating boards. Pinning refers to adding content, such as images or videos, to your Pinterest account for others to discover and save. Boards are used to organize your content into specific categories or themes.

For example, if you have a business selling handmade jewelry, you could create boards for different types of jewelry or for different occasions.

One of the most important aspects of Pinterest publishing is having a clear board description and relevant keywords. This helps attract the right target audience and ensures that your content is easily discoverable. 

Another key element of Pinterest publishing is creating fresh and shareable content. This means regularly adding new pins to your boards that people will find useful, interesting, and engaging. There are several different types of pins, including product pins, idea pins, and “standard” image and video pins.

To make the most out of your Pinterest publishing efforts, it’s important to follow a consistent schedule for posting and engaging with your audience. This helps establish a routine for your followers and demonstrates that you are committed to providing valuable content.

Regularly engaging with your audience by responding to comments and sharing their pins helps foster a sense of community and establish trust with your followers.

How to create a Pinterest marketing strategy

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Once you have a clear understanding of the basics of Pinterest publishing, it’s time to develop a marketing strategy to effectively promote your brand on this platform. The following steps can help you create a successful Pinterest marketing plan:

1. Define your target audience: Identify who your potential customers are and what types of content they are interested in.

2. Set your goals: Whether you want to increase website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales, make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

3. Optimize your business profile: Make sure your profile is complete with a clear profile picture, description, and website link.

4. Create boards relevant to your audience: Once you know who your target audience is, create boards that are relevant to their interests. Make sure to include clear descriptions and relevant keywords.

5. Create and share high-quality pins: Create visually appealing pins that are relevant to your audience and your business. Use high-quality images and/or videos and make sure the pin description includes relevant keywords.

6. Engage with your audience: Engage with your followers by responding to comments, re-pinning relevant content, and promoting user-generated content. This will help establish a sense of community and trust with your audience.

7. Monitor your success: Keep track of your Pinterest Analytics to monitor your success and adjust your strategy as necessary. Pay attention to factors like impressions, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions to see what’s working and what’s not.

By following these steps, you can create a powerful Pinterest marketing strategy that effectively reaches your target audience and helps you achieve your business goals.

How to find your target audience on Pinterest

To get started, create a customer avatar. This is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. This can give you valuable insight into their age range, gender, geographic location, interests, and pain points.

Next, explore relevant search terms that your customer avatar would likely use. You can use Pinterest autocomplete and keyword research tools to further expand on relevant topics.

Another way to reach your target audience on Pinterest is to join community boards related to your business niche. These boards are created by other users in your niche, and allow you to share your content with a wider audience.

Participating in relevant community boards can help you connect with potential customers who are interested in your products or services.

Finally, make sure you have a business account on Pinterest, which gives you access to valuable online marketing tools including Pinterest Analytics and other exclusive features.

By combining these tools and strategies you can create a powerful Pinterest marketing strategy that effectively reaches your ideal customers and helps you achieve your business goals.

Create content to inform and entertain

Creating content that informs and entertains your audience is a crucial part of a successful social media marketing strategy. To create visually appealing content, take inspiration from other people’s work and modern design styles. This allows you to keep up with the latest trends and create pins that stand out.

To ensure that your content is easily discoverable, use relevant keywords in your board descriptions, pin descriptions, and tags. This can increase the visibility of your pins and attract a wider audience who may be interested in your content.

Creating informative and entertaining content requires a combination of creativity, keyword research, and community engagement. This can be much easier if you implement AI content creation tools effectively.

By following these steps, you can create a powerful Pinterest marketing plan that engages your target audience and helps you achieve your business goals.

Benefits of Pinterest marketing

Pinterest is quickly becoming a popular platform for businesses to market their products and services. Not only does Pinterest allow you to boost your brand awareness, it also provides the opportunity to drive traffic to your website and increase sales. In many niches Pinterest generates more traffic to websites than other social media platforms.

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Pinterest’s mobile friendly, visual platform is an effective way to showcase your content, products or services to potential customers. With the use of high-quality images and video, businesses can create visually appealing content that grabs the attention of their target audience.

By crafting unique and engaging content, businesses are able to create a strong brand presence on Pinterest, increasing their chances of attracting new customers and driving sales.

With the ability to express different ideas with compelling media, regularly updated features like idea pins and rich pins, and the effectiveness of Pinterest SEO, it is one of the most underrated social platforms on the internet.

Use custom calls-to-action

When it comes to increasing engagement on Pinterest, using custom calls-to-action (CTAs) is crucial. A CTA is a prompt or instruction that encourages users to take a specific action, such as clicking a link, completing a form, or in this case engaging with your pins.

One simple but effective form of CTA is the call-to-pin. It involves adding a clear and concise message in the description of your pins, encouraging users to re-pin the content to their own inspiration boards. This helps increase your pin’s visibility and attracts more users who may be interested in your brand or products.

Another effective way to increase engagement on Pinterest is by adding a Follow button to your business profile or website. This can increase your engagement on Pinterest, which in turn helps to build a stronger following.

You can also leverage the Follow button by adding it to your email signature and other social network profiles.

When used effectively, CTAs can help you tap into the vast potential of Pinterest’s active user base, expanding your brand’s reach and building a loyal following of engaged customers.

Optimize designs and offers

Optimizing your designs and offers is a crucial part of any successful Pinterest strategy. When it comes to creating designs for your pins, it’s important to ensure that they are visually appealing and easy to read.

This means using high-quality images or videos that are relevant to your product or service. You want your pins to stand out from the rest and catch the attention of potential customers.

In addition to creating visually appealing designs, it’s also essential to include a clear and concise title and description for each pin.

These should include relevant keywords related to your business and the product or service you’re promoting. This improves your chance of showing up in search results.

When it comes to offers, providing exclusive discounts, promotions, or giveaways can be an effective way to encourage users to engage with your pins and visit your website.

People love to feel like they are getting a deal or special offer, so be sure to promote any sales or promotions you have going on with fresh pins.

Types of pins (Pinterest content)

Now let’s take a closer look at the different types of pins you can create to promote your business and engage with your audience.

types of pinterest pins

There are several types of pins that you can create on Pinterest, each with their unique uses and benefits.

Note: Pinterest regularly adds, removes, and updates some features, so this list may not be fully accurate.

  1. Product Pins: These pins allow you to showcase your products directly on Pinterest, displaying pricing information, availability, and links to purchase the product on your website.
  2. How-to Pins: These pins usually include step-by-step instructions on how to create or do something, making them an excellent choice for businesses in the DIY, crafts, or food niches such as recipes.
  3. Inspirational Pins: These pins feature motivational quotes, beautiful scenic pictures, or other visually appealing images intended to inspire and uplift the viewer.
  4. Infographic Pins: Infographic pins use striking visuals and minimal text to display complex data or information in a visually engaging way.
  5. Video Pins: These pins feature videos that autoplay and can help to grab the attention of users as they scroll through their feed.

When creating pins, it’s essential to determine which type of pin will be the most effective for your business and your target audience. Keep in mind the best practices discussed earlier.

Product pins

Product pins allow businesses in retail to showcase their products directly on Pinterest and present up-to-date information such as price and availability.

This makes it easier for users to discover and shop for products all in one place. With the ability to send users to the product’s direct link, Product Pins can help customers stay connected to your brand online.

Recently Pinterest introduced the Try on Product Pins which are an exciting new format in the world of Pinterest Product pins. With this feature, users can try on products such as clothing and makeup virtually, using augmented reality filters on their mobile devices.

This new feature allows customers to see how a product would look on them before making a purchase, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

Try on pins can help increase customer satisfaction and reduce return rates, with augmented reality reducing the likelihood that customers will receive products that don’t match their expectations.

Product Pins and the newly introduced Try on Product Pins have become an important aspect of digital marketing for retail businesses in relevant niches.

The ability to provide up-to-date information about pricing and availability makes shopping on Pinterest convenient for users while the use of augmented reality filters allows them to enjoy a fun and interactive shopping experience.

Blog post graphics

Creating well-designed blog post graphics is a great way to encourage sharing and offer extra value. Pinterest relies heavily on visuals, making it all the more important to create graphics that will catch a user’s eye.

Infographics work well on Pinterest because like standard-sized pins, they use vertical graphics that are taller than they are wide.

In addition to being vertical, blog post graphics should include easy-to-read text. Bold text is helpful as it makes the words stand out. You can also use text highlights, backgrounds, and color variations to enhance the most important text.

There are many free tools available for creating well-designed blog post graphics, but one of the most popular platforms is Canva. Canva allows users to easily add text to images and create attractive designs.

By using a tool like Canva, bloggers can ensure that their graphics are both visually appealing and effective in drawing in users.

Blog posts have a lot of potential on Pinterest as they offer a unique opportunity to provide users with in-depth, educational content.

By following platform standards such as using vertical graphics with bold text via free tools like Canva, you can quickly create a week’s worth of content or more.

Infographic pins

When it comes to visual content, infographics have become increasingly popular among marketers due to their ability to attract users’ attention and drive traffic to websites.

Data visualization is one of the most effective ways to present information in an engaging and shareable way, and infographics are an excellent tool for achieving this.

To be successful with infographics on Pinterest, consider the following ideas:

First, infographics should be oriented vertically to make them more easily visible in Pinterest’s feed. Additionally, infographics should be designed in a way that is easy to read and understand, with clear and concise text that conveys the message in a meaningful way.

To further boost the visibility of infographic pins, it’s essential to optimize the pin description and placement. Descriptions should be optimized using relevant keywords and hashtags, while board placement should be carefully considered to reach the intended target audience.

Leveraging infographic pins as part of your Pinterest marketing strategy can greatly benefit your business by driving website traffic and increasing user engagement.

Pinterest TV

Pinterest TV is an exciting new feature that business owners can use to promote their brand and products on the platform.

As a video content platform, Pinterest TV allows businesses to share a variety of content with their audience, including DIY tutorials, product demos, and behind-the-scenes footage.

This new feature is a valuable addition to Pinterest’s marketing toolbox, providing another way for businesses to showcase their brand and connect with potential customers.

With video content becoming increasingly popular among social media users, Pinterest TV is a powerful tool for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve and stand out in a competitive market.

DIY tutorials can be a great way to showcase your products and engage your audience, while product demos can help potential customers better understand the benefits of your products.

Behind-the-scenes footage is also a popular option, as it can help build a sense of community and give customers a deeper look into your brand and the people behind it.

Video pins

Video pins are an essential aspect of Pinterest marketing, providing businesses with the ability to showcase their products and services visually. Video pins on Pinterest tell a story by showing products in action, providing a more immersive experience for users.

I recently increased my Pinterest reach by 136% within 48 hours by publishing two short vertical videos that I created quickly with Invideo. It’s an AI-powered platform that specializes in creating engaging video content.

Follow this link to grab your free Invideo account.

Pinterest performance 2023-05-09

One of the most effective types of video pins on Pinterest is tutorials. DIY videos are also very popular, as they empower users to create something themselves.

Educational content is always a hit on Pinterest, and businesses that can provide value through step-by-step tutorials or do-it-yourself videos have the potential to reach a wider audience.

Pinterest also allows users to import videos directly from YouTube, providing businesses with an additional way to showcase their video content.

However, it’s important to note that autoplay videos are currently limited to promoted pins, with standard video pins requiring a user to click on the video to start playing.

How much do Pinterest marketers make?

It’s important to note that the salary of a Pinterest marketer can vary based on their years of experience, industry, skill level, and location. Some Pinterest marketers may work as freelancers or have their own businesses, which can impact their income.

According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a social media marketer is close to $50,000 per year. However, this is only a rough guide and it’s possible to earn significantly more or less.

For freelance Pinterest marketers or business owners, income can fluctuate based on the number of clients, the type of services provided, and the results achieved. However, there is a high demand for skilled Pinterest marketers who can increase website traffic and sales at a reasonable rate.

You can also earn money through affiliate marketing on Pinterest or by partnering with brands to create sponsored content. This can provide an additional revenue stream for Pinterest experts.

Pinterest marketing can be a lucrative career path for those savvy in the ways of social media. As businesses continue to recognize the importance of Pinterest in their marketing efforts, the demand for skilled Pinterest marketers is likely to increase.

Pinterest marketing services pricing

Many Pinterest marketing services will offer different packages, with varying levels of service and corresponding pricing. These packages will often include specific services such as account setup and optimization, pin design, community growth, and analytics reporting.

Some services may have additional fees for add-ons such as ad campaign management or influencer outreach.

When determining pricing for your Pinterest marketing services, it is crucial to be transparent about what is included in each package, the expected results, and any additional fees that may apply.

Keeping everyone on the same page will help clients understand the value of your services and make an informed decision about which package is right for their needs.

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.