About Alex Tucker

I’m an affiliate and digital marketer. My mission is to help entrepreneurs who promote wellness and happiness succeed.

about alex tucker with heavy bag

Digital Marketing for Wellness Promoting Entrepreneurs

I envision a community in which wellness is the chosen lifestyle, and I see outreach and education as the main vehicles to get there. I want to live in a world where health food stores rival regular grocery stores, where fitness studios outsell quick service restaurants, and necessary medical services are affordable and appealing to all.

I blend cutting edge persuasive psychology with powerful writing and modern marketing techniques to help local businesses achieve their goals for expansion on or ahead of schedule. I seek to understand the unique challenges your business faces, and use my experience and creative mindset to help you overcome them before they slow you down.

Got a minute?

Send me a quick email describing the biggest challenge you face on a daily basis. We can find a time to sit down and have a chat, and see if we can’t come up with a fresh perspective.