Nichesss Review 2023 – AI (Artificial Intelligence) Copywriting

This Nichesss review (or Niches$$ review, if you prefer its proper name) is brought to you by me; Alex Tucker, proud member of multiple artificial intelligence software platforms.

My first investment in AI was an SEO tool called, which has helped speed up my content research and creation process immensely. Nichesss, on the other hand, is threatening to replace me as a writer!

Just kidding. It will probably be awhile before any kind of sustainable “writer replacement” AI tool is available commercially. I’m not saying the technology is beyond us, but the practicality of creating and scaling such an endeavour may not exist at this point in time.

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But Nichesss looks to be the closest thing that’s currently available. It already writes dynamite short posts and ad copy, and can create useful snippets of blog articles as well. In fact, Nichesss can do a lot more than that.

Below is a detailed look at the current list of tools (the creator, Malcolm Tyson, likes to add new ones whenever the AI engine allows him).

Read on to discover whether AI copywriting is right for you!

What is Nichesss?

Nichess is an AI content generation tool, also known as an AI copywriter. It uses artificial intelligence to generate text for the user based on inputs they provide. Watch the video below for more information and a demonstration.

Nichesss Review – AI Writing Tools Included With Niches$$

There are currently three sets of tools within Nichesss; Custom Content, Business Idea Quizzes, and Search and Reports. Custom Content is by far the largest and most frequently used, featuring the AI writing tools.

Business Idea Quizzes includes a number of quizzes which ask you a few questions about your skills and interests and then scrapes the web to generate business ideas.

Search and Reports features a custom Reddit search engine and a convenient place to find all of your previous text generations or “reports”.

Nichess also recently added a long-form editor which makes it easier to write things like blog posts, landing page copy, and long form ads.

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Long Form Editor

Nichesss’ long form editor is not quite as powerful as the likes of, but it still gets the job done. Just take a look at this video where I write 500+ words in 15 minutes or less!

Custom Content

Custom Content includes the following tools:

  • Marketing Plan
  • Image Post Ideas
  • Short Posts
  • Blog Tools
  • Feedback
  • Ad Copy
  • YouTube Tools
  • Email Tools
  • Product Tools
  • Career Tools

Business Idea Quizzes

There are currently six different quizzes in this section:

  • Passion Quiz
  • Problem Quiz
  • People Quiz
  • Skillset Quiz
  • Hobby Quiz
  • Talent Quiz

Search & Reports

This section includes one tool and direct links to search and content histories:

  • Browse Communities
  • Reports Created
  • Content

How Does Nichesss Work?

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The secret to Nichesss is thousands of monkeys typing on tablets to the tune of Malcolm Tyson’s theremin.

Just kidding! It uses an artificial intelligence engine called Open AI to fulfill the requests made by Nichesss account holders. It’s not perfect, but based on the overwhelming support I see in the Facebook community group, I believe Nichesss works much better than most competing AI writing tools.

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How to use Niches$$ – Custom Content

Now let’s go through each of these epic little tools one by one to see how to best implement them.

nichesss custom content tools

Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan allows you to mix and match up to 5 of Nichesss’ content creation tools in a single query. This is super useful for generating a lot of ideas quickly, or starting a content strategy on a new topic.

Image Post Ideas

Image Post Ideas creates a selection of ideas to accompany graphics posted on social media. You tell the software what your business does, and it comes back with ideas.

Short Posts

Short Posts is one of my favorites – you can use it to generate a variety of different types of short social media posts, from inspirational to sales-oriented.

Blog Tools

Blog Tools may be the most powerful of the bunch. It give syou the options to generate blog outlines as well as opening paragraphs for blogs. In fact, the “opening paragraph” tool can be used to write entire articles if you know how to give it the right inputs.


The Feedback tool helps you create posts for sites like Reddit where you can ask for feedback from real people! Using AI generated copies of course.

Ad Copy

Ad Copy features tools for Facebook ads, Google ads, and a few others. It’s good for writing copy for you, but also for inspiring punch ideas that you can elaborate on.

YouTube Tools

YouTube tools are another great set – you can generate YouTube video ideas, opening lines, or titles just by inputting a keyword or three. You can also generate outlines for your videos, which can be a great starting point if you like to script your content.

Email Tools

Email Tools features specific tools for different types of subject lines, as well as one for writing the body copy.

Product Tools

Product Tools allow you to input information about your product(s), and Nichesss returns sales copy.

Career Tools

Career tools can generate outreach messages for connecting with new people on Linkedin. Put the persona back in personal greetings by using artificial intelligence!

How to Use Nichesss – Business Idea Quizzes

nichesss business idea quizzes

The Business Idea Quizzes is the “beginner” area of Nichesss. It can help you come up with ideas for business / making money based on your inputs. You simply fill out a couple fields and tick a few boxes and then click on generate.

Passion Quiz

The passion quiz turns topics you’re passionate about into business ideas. Let nichesss know what you’re interested in, and it’ll do the rest.

Problem Quiz

The problem quiz is super cool; you input a problem, and nichesss spits out solutions.

People Quiz

The people quiz allows you to specify the type of people you want to sell to – nicehsss will give you ideas to make it happen.

Skillset Quiz

The skillset quiz allows you to specify which skills you’d like to use to make money – nichesss handles the creative part.

Hobby Quiz

The hobby quiz lets you get ideas to make money based on the hobbies you enjoy. I generated ideas for a guitar music business.

Talent Quiz

The talent quiz is like the skill quiz, but focusing on raw talent rather than refined skill.

How to Use Niches$$ – Search & Reports

nichesss search and reports

This section is where you can review the copy you’ve already generated, and do highly relevant niche research. I don’t use this section nearly as much as the others, but I do find it useful whenever I need to find a specific piece of information or text I previously generated.

Custom Reddit Search Engine

Malcolm Tyson is (I think) a big fan of Reddit. Many of the functions of the tools he builds are designed around crawling relevant subreddits for information. He even built a custom reddit search engine into Nichesss. Anytime you want to learn more about something or get some inspiration, the custom search is waiting for you.

Examples of Nichesss’ Copywriting Abilities

Create Marketing Plan nichesss

Here are a few examples of outputs I got from Nichesss – these are completely unedited, but to be fair they’re some of the best generations I received.

As I demonstrate in my video Nichesss review, it’s easy to get both amazing and substandard results from Open AI. The trick is using the right inputs, and trying again if at first you don’t succeed.

Marketing Plan - Email Subject - nichesss

From the Niches$$ Blog Intro Tool

Input: 3 SEO mistakes website owners make

Output: “Search engine optimization is difficult for a lot of website owners because they make a lot of mistakes. They do not take time to learn everything about the topic. They do not do their research well and they do not do enough keyword research. Their knowledge about the topic is not as good as it should be and therefore they cannot be successful. In order to avoid the mistakes that website owners make, you need to do your research well and you need to take the time to learn all that you can about the topic.”

Marketing Plan - LoverFighterWriter - nichesss

From the Niches$$ Short Posts Tool

Input: Business name: LoverFighterWriter, Services provided: Digital Marketing

Output: “Marketing is the art of convincing people to buy something they don’t need.”

From the Niches$$ Problem – Solution Product Tool

Input: We grow businesses online.

Output: “YouTube is the second most visited website on the internet, with over 1.3 billion users. It is also the second largest search engine, with over 5 billion searches per day. YouTube is a powerful platform for digital marketing, and when used correctly can be an extremely effective marketing tool for business. YouTube Marketing is a video course that teaches you how to use YouTube as a digital marketing tool that can help grow your business and increase your income. The course covers the basics of creating a YouTube channel, how to create videos, and how to optimize your videos so they generate the most views possible. The second and third paragraph are not needed for the product description. They are used to sell the product.”

My Conclusion About the Nichesss Tools

NIches$$ is still being developed, but it’s already incredibly powerful and useful. You can use it to help with research and brainstorming, or use it to write content and copy instead of using your brain. It’s especially useful for short copy and social media posts, but the blog and email writing tools also pack a ton of power.

And that’s only the beginning, according to Malcolm Tyson. He has said several times in the Facebook group that his goal is to help marketers and entrepreneurs create more content, faster, and better. I’d say he’s well on his way.

Artificial Intelligence in Content Marketing – a Pairing Like Wine and Cheese

The best pairings are the ones that taste great together. It’s a combination that fits, that makes sense. They go together like peanut butter and jelly, mac and cheese, or wine and cheese.

Artificial intelligence and content marketing is all of these. It’s a pairing so perfect you wonder why they didn’t come together sooner. In the realm of content marketing, artificial intelligence is making it easier than ever to develop killer content.

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.