Frase Review – AI Content Marketing Tool For SEO Results started out as a little known set of SEO tools. When I first encountered it, it was a lifetime deal on Appsumo. It made a lot of promises, and it has massively over delivered. That’s why I decided to write this Frase review. Frase combines SEO tools and AI content generation into one powerful package that will help you get more traffic from Google and other search engines.

What is is an SEO research and optimization platform that also has powerful AI copywriting tools built directly into it. Overall Frase is one of the most powerful SEO tools on the market, outperforming its powerful competitors in all of my tests. 

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Want to take Frase for a spin? You can sign up for a free trial using this link. Once you’ve had a taste of the range of powers Frase offers from one simple interface, you’ll be hooked on this software for good.

How does work?

frase dashboard header

Frase has a number of resources built into its dashboard. This can be a great time-saver, but only for educated users. Here’s a breakdown of the different aspects of

Topic and keyword research

Frase outline builder example seo services

When you initially enter a topic into Frase’s outline builder, it scrapes relevant searches as well as associated questions from places like Quora and Google’s People Also Ask. This gives you a quick idea of what people are asking about related to your topic as well as monthly search volume, and provides a great framework for starting your document.

Content Briefs

Before you actually start writing an article, creating a content brief helps you focus on key points while also giving you some ideas for how to structure your piece. These brief outlines give you a good sense of where you should begin with each section, and can be easily passed to a writer or virtual assistant. 

Topic and keyword phrase optimization

As you write an article in Frase, you can see your topic score increase. The most relevant keywords are highlighted for you alongside the content editor with your content score. This makes it easy to write without leaving any significant content gaps, creating an article that delivers a great user experience as well as high rankings.

AI Copywriter

The AI content writer uses machine learning algorithms to create unique passages based on input provided by the user. 

Frase Answers Chatbot

The Frase Answers bot is a chatbot you can install on your website. It will read the contents of your site and answer a visitor’s questions based on the information it gathers.

Frase Pricing – Month to Month Value

Frase Pricing Plans isn’t cheap, but it’s considerably more economical than using any of its main competitors. 


The basic plan currently costs $44.99 per month. It includes one user seat and 30 document credits. A document credit is worth one document, and inside each document you can create detailed content briefs and use them to write a high quality article based on Frase’s content score.

You can share your Frase documents as much as you want, and you even get limited access to Frase’s AI writing assistant. 

If $44.99 per month seems steep, realize that the alternatives typically cost more while providing less functionality.


The team pricing tier includes 3 user seats at its base level and unlimited documents. It also comes with Frase’s Google Docs integration, and additional user seats can be added at $25 per month as needed.


The enterprise tier has no fixed price; it is tailored to each business that invests in it. It includes unlimited documents, user seats, and use of the AI writing assistant. 

Frase Answers is also priced based on individual need – you can sign up for a free demo of this AI chatbot by following this link.

What are some good reasons for using a tool like Frase?

Frase - SEO tools

There are many benefits to having a tool like Frase at your disposal. Some of these include:

  • Save Time – You don’t have to spend hours researching topics before you even start writing articles. Instead, just type up a few words and let Frase do all the hard work for you.
  • Get Better Results – If you’re not sure which keywords to target when optimizing your site, then Frase’s keyword research tools will come in especially handy. All you really need is a root topic, and Frase will help you determine the best subtopics to write about.
  • Improve Your Content Quality – When it comes to creating quality content, you need more than just a skilled content writer. You also need the right data, and Frase provides both of these aspects with its research and AI writing tools.
  • Increase Conversions – With much of the heavy lifting out of the way, you’ll have more energy to focus on creating copy and relationships that convert. Or, you can just have Frase’s AI copywriter take care of it for you!

Evidently Frase is a valuable tool set… but is it the best on the market? Alternatives outline builder

While there is no true alternative to Frase because no other SEO platform contains as many complementary tools, there are several other excellent SaaS solutions that provide similar functionality.

Frase vs Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is one of the platforms that is most frequently compared to Frase. The primary function of both of these SEO tools is to assist with content research and optimization. While it’s possible that Surfer goes into slightly more detail regarding the keywords you should use and how many times, Frase provides better research capabilities and content briefs.

I also prefer Frase because of how streamlined the workflow is. In Surfer, you have to navigate from one tool to the next to research your search terms, and each tool uses up your precious credits. In Frase everything is built into one integrated process. 

When you look at prices side by side, I think that Frase provides much more value for your money. Surfer’s first tier is more expensive than Frase’s, but that’s not all. In order to use an AI writing assistant with Surfer, you would also need to buy a subscription to and integrate the two. Depending on the plans you pick, this would approximately double the overall cost.

Don’t get me wrong: Surfer SEO is an awesome tool and in all honesty it might be more beginner friendly than Frase. But in my opinion Frase is the more powerful tool for SEO professionals who are confident in learning new software.

Frase vs. Page Optimizer Pro

Page Optimizer Pro is slightly more specialized than Frase or Surfer; it focuses almost exclusively on on-page optimization. I can’t say that’s ALL it does because I know it’s been upgraded since I last used it, but that is definitely its strength. 

The best thing about POP is that it’s very well priced and it has a handy Chrome extension that allows you to use its features in Google Docs or even right in WordPress. The downside is that it doesn’t have as much research functionality as Frase, and to my memory it’s not especially beginner friendly.

Frase vs. is not an SEO tool specifically, it is probably the most powerful AI copywriting software currently on the market. While I don’t think that Frase’s AI writing assistant is on par with Jarvis yet, it’s still very good and getting better by the day. From my experience, Frase’s AI writer also seems to do a better job of implementing the right keywords.

The decision here is a simple one in my opinion; if you have a broad range of writing projects, you may want to get Jarvis or even Jarvis and Frase. On the other hand, if you exclusively do SEO writing, Frase may be all that you need.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some common questions about and my best answers.

Is there anything about Frase you don’t like or think could be improved upon?

There are two main features of that I think need some work. The first is an issue with Frase’s crawler not being able to properly scan content on some websites. I’m not sure if there’s anything that Frase can do about this, because I know some website owners intentionally restrict unknown crawlers.
The second issue is a byproduct of the first. When the right pages don’t get crawled, it can result in Frase making erroneous recommendations. However, it’s easy to learn how to spot these and remove them, you just need to understand the tool. 
It would also be nice if the keyword research tool had a bit more flexibility, but at this point I’m splitting hairs.

Do you use any other software besides Frase? If so, what do you use them for?

I currently use for all manner of writing projects, and Grammarly is also an important part of my workflow. Between Jarvis, Frase, and Grammarly (all of which use artificial intelligence) I’m capable of creating long, high quality blogs in a couple of hours rather than a couple of days. If you’ve never tried this particular combination of tools, I highly recommend it.

Are there any features in particular that make Frase stand out from all the others?

One benefit of Frase I haven’t mentioned yet is the way it allows you to understand user intent. You get so much well-organized information in one place, it’s little wonder that Frase content helps me rank for each target keyword. Using an AI powered tool has many benefits, and having three of the best tools on the market on my belt at all times makes writing content and copy a snap.

Is worth it? Is it any good?

Frase is extremely legit. From content idea generation to AI powered research to AI assisted writing and content optimization, there’s no part of SEO writing that this software can’t help with. Whether your company sells products or services, having first page rankings is bound to increase your authority and sales. And Frase is the technology that can get you there for the best price, in the shortest amount of time.

Thanks for reading! You can always check back here for product updates, or look through the rest of my blog if you find it interesting.

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.