What is Writer’s Block? How to Stop Writer’s Block Permanently

It’s normal for writers to get stuck in a rut from time to time. Sometimes you can’t come up with the right words or give your copy the right tone. This is called writer’s block, and it happens more often than you might think. But what is writer’s block? Is it real? And how do you overcome this challenge?

You may be thinking, “I’m not blocked. I just need some inspiration.” But inspiration usually is not what you need. This article will explore what writer’s block means and what it takes to beat writer’s block forever!

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration; the rest of us just get up and go to work.”

-Stephen King, “On Writing.”

What is writer’s block?

Writer’s block is when you’re physically or mentally unable to continue writing a piece of content. It can happen for many reasons, but in most cases there is a greater underlying issue causing the difficulty.

Writer’s block can also have roots in perfectionism, where writers want their work to be perfect before moving on, which leads them to get stuck as they read it again and again, worrying at how imperfect each sentence is.

Now you understand the concept of writer’s block – the definition, the root meaning. But how do you overcome writer’s block permanently? That’s the real question.

How To Beat Writer’s Block (The Quick Version)

A few well-known tricks can help you when you’re stuck with writer’s block.

  1. Take some time off to recharge the creative batteries because what is the point in trying to force yourself past it? If your mind needs rest and hasn’t got any new inspiration yet, then allow for this break before coming back again.
  2. Try different writing exercises or techniques like freewriting or brainstorming – this will often get ideas flowing again more easily.
  3. Use AI copywriting tools such as Conversion.ai, explicitly designed for people who write professionally and frequently suffer from writer’s block. They have all sorts of features, including word counting summary reports or progress indicators, so writers know how much they’ve written.

Sometimes we just need help looking past part of our brain with exercises like brainstorming ideas for what could happen next – even make up scenarios out loud while someone else listens if possible. 

What Causes Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block can have numerous causes, and it’s common to have different types at the same time. However, the most popular belief about writer’s block is that it can be caused by exhaustion – as in when you just don’t know what else there is left to say or how much more research needs to be done before putting out content.

Some other causes include lack of confidence, fear of criticism from others, perfectionism (expecting too much from oneself), stress levels being high… the list goes on. It also depends entirely on who we are and what our mental process is like. Some writers may need solitude, while others find they function better with people around them.

The best way to beat writer’s block permanently is by understanding the root cause and correcting it. So let’s examine the leading causes of writer’s block and how to crush them.

Lack of Confidence (Fear of Failure)

If you don’t believe you can reach your goals, it will show in your work or stop you from working altogether. This is a common cause of writer’s block.

To overcome fear or a lack of confidence, you need to build momentum with baby steps. Instead of setting the goal as “write a book,” start with something more manageable like “write a 500-word article” or “write the first paragraph of the book’s synopsis.” Once you’ve done that, it’s easier to continue because you’ve built some momentum.

Another thing you can do is lean on past success. Think about what you’ve written before and what your goals were. Remind yourself of how far you came, not just for this project but also in the past.

The best way to do that is by writing down a timeline and listing all the successes from your past projects, big or small. Seeing them on paper can also help give you more confidence because it’s concrete evidence that says, “I did that”which will make it easier than ever to work towards future success with new projects.

Using AI writing tools can help here by giving you instant ideas and feedback. You can also use these tools to generate content for your project – so the words will get written one way or another.

Fear of Criticism (From Others)

If you worry about what others will say about your work, you’re not alone. But how do you get over it and keep writing? It can be challenging to finish a project if you’re worried about receiving external criticism.

The best way to overcome the fear of criticism is by realizing that it is part of the process. Every writer needs to overcome this fear to grow and improve their writing skills. When you don’t worry about what others think, you’ll be much more able to use their critique to your advantage.

Another thing that can help is joining a group of writers whose opinions you trust. Find a group of writers who will give helpful feedback and won’t be judgmental when they read your work, who trust each other to provide constructive insight.

AI copywriting tools can help with fear of criticism because you won’t feel as much emotional attachment to content you create with the help of a robot. This way, you can create content without worrying about how others will react.


Perfectionism is an easy way to get stuck when you’re a writer. The idea of thinking about releasing your work publicly can be paralyzing and make it difficult to write anything at all. So how do you overcome perfectionism?

One method is to focus on rapid output. Set a short time limit for yourself to write something, and don’t stop until the timer goes off. Your goal is to not stop writing so that your brain doesn’t have time to over-analyze everything.

If you’re not feeing motivated, sign up for one of these free-to-use writing platforms. Publishing regularly for the public will help motivate you, and you might even earn some extra money along the way.

The best way, though, is reframing what perfect means in terms of writing. Most people think perfect should mean not being wrong or making mistakes, and this mindset could lead them down a path where they never release anything because there’s always room for improvement with any art form, no matter how slight those changes might seem at first glance.

But suppose we frame perfect as being done, having a finished draft or version of our work completed. In that case, we can have the satisfaction of knowing that we created something and accomplished what felt like an impossible task.

It’s important to remember that writer’s block is not permanent unless you let it be. So, as always, keep your pen flowing!

External Stress

The classic example of external stress causing writer’s block is if you’re on a deadline, especially for a client. While deadlines can sometimes encourage us to work harder, they can also stifle creativity.

But other forms of external stress can also lead to writer’s block, such as a lack of sleep or physical or mental illness. So if you’re struggling with how to beat writer’s block, the first thing that we should look at is external stress and other factors in your life, then work on balancing them out, so they don’t affect your creative process anymore.

If your issue is a deadline, you can always try asking for an extension (or giving yourself one). If that’s not an option, try breaking the project into smaller chunks and working on the task for a shorter amount of time.

Another way to beat writer’s block is by taking your mind off of it – use this as an opportunity to do something else, like running or reading. This will give you some space to come back to writing later, and it’ll be less daunting.

And remember; sometimes one easy trick won’t work in beating writer’s block forever because every person has unique barriers they need to overcome before they start feeling confident again.

Your Writing Routine: How to Overcome Writer’s Block Permanently

Want the ultimate solution to writer’s block? I’ll give it to you. True to the Stephen King quotation at the top of this article, writer’s block doesn’t really exist. It’s just a helpful scapegoat for whatever real challenge is encumbering the writing process. Most successful writers understand that writing is something they can do whether or not they have run out of original ideas for the moment. Even if they have been writing for days, a professional will clock into their “office hours” and do the work.

The best advice for writers (especially beginners) is to develop some sort of routine, preferably one that takes place in a dedicated writing space during dedicated writing hours. It doesn’t make you a bad writer if you can’t work while sitting in a coffee shop with a blank piece of paper. It likely just means you need a little help focusing or kickstarting your creative engine.

How to Erase Writer’s Block (The Easy Way)

We’ve seen that there are many ways to overcome writer’s block and that they depend on the root cause of the issue. But what if we take advantage of AI copywriting tools?

With a bit of assistance from artificial intelligence, writers can easily overcome many of the obstacles mentioned above. 

When using these types of apps, you create an outline before starting to provide them with adequate information. When creating an outline for an AI copywriting tool, think as though you are preparing instructions for a human writing assistant who is prone to misunderstandings. In other words, you want to use clear and simple instructions.

Now you have all the tools to break your writer’s block apart and burn the pieces. Happy creation!

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.