15 AI Generated Inspirational Quotes Written by ClosersCopy

The most inspiring quotes are often written by someone on a journey of self-discovery, improvement, or personal development.

That’s not what this article is about.

These AI generated inspirational quotes were written by ClosersCopy, an AI-powered writing tool that can craft any kind of content based on user input. I decided to create an inspirational quote generator, and the quotes on this page were the result.

If you’re looking for something to read (and think on), here are 15 inspiring quotes from ClosersCopy.

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How did I make these inspirational quotes?

It was pretty easy. I created a custom framework in ClosersCopy that used real inspirational quotes from real people as a frame of reference. Then I had the AI generate quotes on different creative topics like music, art, and writing.

This is the clever part; I replaced the human quotations in the custom framework with some of the AI quotes. Now, my ClosersCopy framework writes 100% AI-generated quotes on any given topic. Here’s a GIF of it in action:


Now let’s get into the quotations ClosersCopy’s artificial intelligence wrote for me.

AI inspirational quotes about doing your best

I fed the AI the topic “doing your best” for these quotes. Here are a couple of my top picks it created:

“You have to do it, but you can’t make it happen.”

“If you have a talent, you should use it. If you don’t have a talent, you should invent one.”

I feel like these miss the mark a little, but there is something vaguely inspirational about them.

AI inspirational quotes about music

ai inspirational quotes about music

Music is arguably one of the most inspiring parts of our world and everyday lives. I often turn to music when I need inspiration, so I wanted to see what the AI would say about it.

“Music is an art form that can teach us about life and about ourselves. It can open up our minds and make us think. It can inspire us to live better, work harder, and love more.”

“There is a reason why they call it a jazz funeral.”

“Music is life. It is the only way to live, to feel, and to understand. Life is a melody. You must hear it to know it. You must feel it to know it. You must understand it to know it.”

“Music is the only thing in the world that costs nothing and yet everyone wants to own it.”

The last one is actually quite clever. I wouldn’t be surprised if I see that on a T-shirt or bumper sticker one day.

AI inspirational quotes about art

ai quotes about art

Art has been used to inspire many different moods throughout the centuries. It’s both a language of its own and a means of communication that transcends language. ClosersCopy summed it up nicely with a few of these:

“Art is a way of knowing things.”

“The artist is always looking for something that is not there. He is always searching for what he cannot find.”

“Art is not a mirror held up to nature; it is a hammer with which to shape nature.”

“All art is a reflection of the soul. It is a way of saying what cannot be said, a way of making a statement about the human condition.”

“Art is what you can’t explain. And if you don’t explain it, it’s not art.”

AI inspirational quotes about writing

ai generated inspirational quotes about writing

Since this is an AI copywriting software, I had to include at least a few quotes about writing. Do any of these ring true?

“Your goal is to become the person who has mastered your craft. Not the person who is best at your craft. Not the person who is most productive. But the person who is most fully yourself.”

“Good copywriters know that a good headline is not just something that grabs attention, it’s a great story in and of itself.”

“If you’re not willing to break the rules, you’ll never grow as a writer.”

“There is no more potent form of propaganda than the truth well told. And the truth can be told in a thousand different ways.”

Writing may not be as ubiquitously inspirational as music or art, but for me it is one of the most critical aspects of communication. Without writing, we could never have come this far.

I hope these AI-generated quotes inspired you

As a copywriter, it can be hard to come up with unique and inspiring words every single time I need them. This is where an AI content generator like ClosersCopy can help. These AI generated quotes are easy to read and are perfect for any kind of creative writing.

And in truth, this is just a tiny sample of what ClosersCopy can do.

I’m always looking for new ways to write better content. I’ve been experimenting with AI text generators for about a year, and I’m constantly finding new ways to improve the output to save myself time. I love the results so far, and I’m excited about what the future will bring.

Want to try out an AI writing software? Check out ClosersCopy!

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.