ConvertBox Review 2024 – Advanced Popup Builder

Convertbox is one of the best popup builders / lead generation software available for purchase. My Convertbox review will explain exactly why it’s so much better than other conversion software, and why you should get this product at a STEAL of a lifetime deal before it switches from lifetime pricing to monthly.

Whether you’re looking to get more opt ins with your lead magnet, more targeted clicks, or gain a better understanding of your audience, ConvertBox has built in functionality to make your life a lot easier.

Note: I’m an affiliate marketer and this article contains affiliate links. If you follow them and then make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no additional expense to you. Thanks for your support, enjoy the read!

Learn more about ConvertBox and watch me build an op tin popup form for a new site in this video!

ConvertBox Benefits – Why You Want This Product

ConvertBox is easy to use to build sleek, customized, smooth-moving popups quickly and easily. This immediately puts you ahead of the pack, because most popup builders tend to produce poorly styled results. But that’s just the beginning.

Once you’ve created a beautiful, high-converting popup, you can connect it to your marketing automation and do so much more than the average conversion tool allows. My honest thoughts on ConvertBox are that it can help grow any online business. It would easily be worth $100 per month, but right now you can get the lifetime deal, which is a huge savings.

With Convert Box you can:

  • Get started gaining subscribers and see a difference in conversion rates quickly
  • Pop up anything from buttons, videos, embedded forms, opt ins and more
  • Show different popups to existing customers and leads vs. new visitors
  • Integrate with most autoresponders / email marketing platforms as well as Google Analytics and HTML forms
  • Easily install the software on any website, including a WordPress site using a custom WordPress plugin
  • Check your analytics on the standalone web app any time you like
  • Create complex or simple split tests to improve conversion rates
  • Embed images, videos, and just about anything else
  • Quickly turn popups off and on with a single click
  • Integrate custom Google analytics and Facebook pixel codes
  • Track clicks, sign ups, and any other interaction people have with your ConvertBoxes
  • Prompt people to navigate to important parts of your website or follow external links
  • Target all website visitors or narrow your targeting options using email lists or URL parameters or even geo location
  • Create conditional rules to tag or redirect visitors who opt in or interact
  • Set up mini quiz funnels and surveys in order to direct people down the best path
  • Increase your website’s revenue easily within the 30-day money back window
  • Gate your content with an optin or include a button that allows them to skip to content

If I was only concerned with covering what ConvertBox comes with, this ConvertBox review would be over! But I really want you to see the benefits that this powerful tool could hold for your business or blog.

Once integrated with your CRM and automation, ConvertBox is a good way to send people to landing pages, display extra features in articles, display user comments or share buttons, or make sure every user knows about your best services.

Lead Generation Done Right in 2024

At this point in history, most internet users have been online for years. They have been bombarded by a bevy of popups and optin forms on a daily basis. Because of that, special consideration must be taken in order to create a pop-up that truly gets results.

You can follow all the best practices you want, but you’re unlikely to maximize your conversion rate if you don’t do your own split testing.

ConvertBox is designed with all this mind. I have tested as many as five different variations of some lead capture forms, usually via progressive A/B tests where the winning Convert Box moves on to the next round.

This approach (as well as testing multiple lead magnets) is what got me to a 10% optin rate in the first place. But only through proper split testing did I manage to further improve that to 12%. 

Another thing that can’t be overlooked about ConvertBox is its multi-step functionality. With most conversion tools such as OptinMonster or Thrive Leads, you would need to redirect the visitor to a thank you page in order to deliver a follow up message after they fill out your form. This can create a bad user experience if the person was enjoying the article they were reading!

ConvertBox’s multiple steps solve this problem. Rather than redirecting to a thank you page, you can simply have the form progress to a thank you step. You can even include a call to action in the thank you step with a relevant offer. This way, any time someone opts in you are immediately both thanking them and presenting an upsell.

Of course, you still need to build trust in order to get any lifetime value out of your subscribers. If people read your privacy policy or terms of use and find it worrisome, they’re unlikely to buy from you or even leave a comment.

In order to show them you’re trustworthy, one thing you can do is create helpful content that shows how to complete a certain task or offers other advice. If you show up regularly and always deliver good information, your subscribers will learn to know, like, and trust you.

3 Ways I Use ConvertBox to Make Money Online

ConvertBox’s lifetime deal is a very special limited time offer, but despite how great it seemed it felt like a significant purchase on my budget at the time. I shouldn’t have worried about that; I earned back more than my investment within the first 30 days by using ConvertBox’s callout modals to prompt visitors to purchase my affiliate products. 

I’ve found that adding an unobtrusive ConvertBox that emphasizes the offer being made on the page can significantly increase clickthrough rates. This brings me to the first of the three ways I make money online with ConvertBox.

  1. Affiliate marketing. I make casual popups to increase clickthrough rates to affiliate links on my product reviews, but I also add CTAs to the final “thank you” step of any opt in form. This guarantees that my most engaged visitors get presented with my most valuable offers, and have an extra opportunity to click my affiliate link. You can also employ this approach to move traffic to related content on your site.
  2. List Building / Product sales. I don’t currently have any products of my own to sell, but I’m working on several courses and writing a book. Using ConvertBox I’ve managed to build a small list of people who are interested in potentially buying my courses. This way when the course is ready to launch, it will be much easier to make my first few sales.
  3. Client work. With the ConvertBox pro plan (which I purchased and highly recommend) you are permitted to install ConvertBox on up to 50 websites including client sites. Because this software is so effective at increasing sales and optin rates, it’s easy to charge a handsome fee to any clients you lease it to. Alternately you can include the use of ConvertBox as a “free” bonus when selling web development or marketing packages.

In the near future I’m looking at using ConvertBox to create mini quiz funnels that will help direct visitors to the best offer for their unique interests and needs. The same functionality can be used to pre-filter your email lists, ensuring that you only reach out to people who are truly interested in your offerings.

ConvertBox is an excellent ongoing resource, so it makes sense to take advantage of the limited time one-time payment option while it lasts.

Types of ConvertBoxes (Modals)

The different types of ConvertBoxes, also referred to as modals, can help you test different options and ensure that the popup you use is the best for its purpose.

Callout Modal

The callout modal is one of my favorites because it’s somewhat unique to Convertbox and seems especially effective on the desktop site. The callout is a slender popup that slides into view in the bottom corner of the screen with an unobtrusive offering. On a mobile site the callout modal is not that different from other types, but it still has a unique shape and style.

I typically use callouts for ConvertBoxes that do not require a sign up form. They’ve been particularly effective at increasing clickthrough rates on my product review pages. When a visitor is reading a review they’re already thinking about buying the product; sometimes offering it to them in an appealing way is enough to get the click and even make the sale.

Full Page Modal

The full page modal can be highly effective, however I only use it when split testing and it almost always loses to the other options. This makes sense, because while filling the entire page and and covering up potential distractions may help the visitor to focus on your offer, covering the entire page is also a great way to make folks want to close the popup.

Despite that, I do think that full page modals have their place, especially for presenting more complex offers that require a decent amount of text alongside an image or video. I just don’t currently have any offers like that.

Center Modal

convertbox example

The center modal is the one I use most often, especially for optin forms. It pops up right in the middle of the screen, but it’s only as big as it needs to be – it doesn’t cover everything like the full page. In my split testing center modals are usually the most successful except when I’m presenting a succinct offer with a single button, in which case the callouts seem to have an edge.

Sticky Bar

The sticky bar modal appears as a slim rectangle at the top of the browser window. I don’t use these very often, but when I do I typically employ them as a brief two-button survey. These are one of the most mobile-friendly and unobtrusive popups available, however in my tests they have converted much less than center modals so I tend to use those more.

Tools of the Conversion Trade

Who doesn’t want more leads? Conversion is a complex game with many ins and outs; in order to consistently get different people to take the same action, many details need to be considered and optimized. If you choose to take advantage of the ConvertBox Pro special offer, you’ll be able to use all of these tools on up to fifty websites. Remember, you’re not limited to WordPress; ConvertBox integrates easily with any site.

ConvertBox Targeting and Triggers

Email marketing has come a long since the email forwarding chains of old. With this product you can do a lot more than create simple opt in forms; you can natively integrate your email marketing / autoresponder service and implement a number of targeting rules.

You can choose to target only people who are not on specific email lists, or who ARE on specific lists. By doing this you can easily target existing customers or leave them to browse in peace while showing CTAs to everyone else.

You can also target people based on number of page views, number of sessions, device type, whether or not they’ve seen certain content, whether or not they’re logged in, geolocation, referral source, and whether or not they’ve seen the popup before.

Overall, I consider ConvertBox one of the smartest pieces of software I work with regularly.

Convert Boxes can also appear on a variety of cues. Depending on your intentions you can set a popup to:

  • Trigger based on time on page
  • Trigger based on percentage of page scrolled
  • Trigger on click
  • Trigger on exit intent (desktop only)

I use “time on page” and “trigger on click” the most, but I also use exit intent for certain popup forms and sometimes will use scroll percentage as well. It all depends on when and how I want the browser to see it. Click triggers are great for running lead capture ads because some ad platforms only permit click-triggered popups.

ConvertBox Elements

The drag and drop builder is simple and effective, making it easy to add the following elements:

  • Text boxes
  • Buttons
  • Images
  • Countdown timers
  • HTML embeds
  • Video
  • Embedded forms
  • Dividers
  • Progress Bars

You can also easily add steps to ConvertBoxes, which is one of the things that makes them so versatile.

ConvertBox Integrations

The following native integrations are fully functional, with more such as Google Sheets on the horizon.

  • GetResponse (free account available)
  • Mailchimp
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Aweber
  • InfusionSoft
  • ConvertKit
  • Ontraport
  • Drip
  • Gist
  • Mailerlite
  • Klaviyo
  • Sendinblue
  • Demio
  • HubSpot
  • Moosend
  • HTML forms
  • Google Analytics

ConvertBox Alternatives

While I don’t feel like any of these tools is a true alternative to ConvertBox with all its great features, those listed below provide some of the same functions.

  • MonsterOptin
  • ThriveLeads
  • ConvertFlow
  • RightMessage
  • BoosTools

My ConvertBox Case Study

Using ConvertBox’s split testing I was able to increase my optin rate from initially around 6% all the way up to over 12%. My case study examines the final split test in the process, in which I improved my optin rate from 10% to 12%. I did this simply by adding an extra button to the bottom of the optin form.

No one used the extra button – it never got clicked – but somehow its presence increased the optin rate noticeably. I think it was a little bit of reverse psychology. I also recently used ConvertBox to create a quiz funnel. To get started I just shared it on my website and social media, but it received a small amount of traffic and a good response.

 My ConvertBox Bonuses

If you purchase this product using my link, I’ll give you my complete swipe file of all ConvertBox popup copy I’ve written as a bonus. You can use it as a starting point for inspiration, or you can just copy and paste and make edits where necessary.

Copywriting is one of my most practiced skills and I can promise you’ll get a lot of value from this swipe file. This ConvertBox bonus will keep getting better as time goes on, because I’ll regularly add new copy options to the file.

If you have a better idea for a bonus I could give away on my blog, feel free to leave me a comment!

Final Thoughts For My ConvertBox Review

I use this tool in a variety of ways, but the truth is I’m only scratching the surface. With its advanced targeting, ConvertBox is a dream tool for any blogger or website / eCommerce store owner. It can do wonders for reducing cart abandonment and improving customer interactions, and even building relationships with repeat visitors. 

Whether you use ConvertBox on a sales page or just for email segmentation and content upgrades, it will almost certainly help to increase conversions and build your email list fast. In other words, if you’re serious about building a business online, I strongly recommend getting ConvertBox lifetime.

Even if you don’t have much traffic right now, the lifetime pricing is a good investment. With many more features still to be added, I look forward to creating more reviews and tutorials about ConvertBox on YouTube.

If you found this review helpful, please consider giving it a share! And remember, ConvertBox should be at the top of your shopping list if you want to take advantage of its many features before the monthly pricing kicks in.

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.