30 Compelling Headline Formulas To Get More Conversions

If you’re struggling to get traffic to your website, you’ll need to find a way to increase your click-through rates. If your pages aren’t converting well, you’re not going to make money.

Either way, your headline is the first thing people see when they arrive on your page. It’s the reason they click through to your website.

But if you don’t know how to write a good headline, you could be losing out on thousands of dollars every month.

A great headline is like a magic potion.

It can change your traffic in the blink of an eye.

In this article, I’ll teach you 30 headline formulas that will increase conversions on your website or blog.

30 Powerful Headline Formulas You Can Start Using Today

Here you are; without further delay, I present you with thirty of my favorite headline formulas for commanding a reader’s attention.

The “Escape From [COMMON PAIN POINT]” Headline

Copywriting is all about driving people towards pleasure and away from pain; this framework focuses on the second option. It’s perfect for grabbing attention from a target audience who experiences a specific problem.


  • Escape From Credit Card Debt
  • Escape From Compromise on Your Diet
  • Escape From The 9-to-5 Grind

The “Do This Now!” Headline

A commonly quoted fact among marketers is that people are more likely to do what you want if you explicitly tell them what to do. This framework is great for targeting people who may have been putting off a necessary task.


  • Bake This Cake to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
  • Do These Exercises to Improve Your Posture
  • Follow These Steps to Boost Your Chances of Winning the Lottery
headline formulas for copywriting

The “[NUMBER] Things I Wish I Knew Before [TRYING SOMETHING]” Headline

A great framework for creating content that talks about mistakes people commonly make when they’re doing something new. It plays on the common desire to avoid errors that others have made.


50 Things I Wish I Knew Before Tweeting

100 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Blog

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving to the City

The “Worst-Case Scenario” Headline

The worst-case scenario headline is great for attracting people who are nervous about making a decision. By telling them the potential consequences of doing nothing, you give them an incentive to take action.


  • What Could Happen If You Get Sick Without Health Insurance
  • What’s the Worst That Could Happen If You Don’t Do Your Taxes?
  • The Biggest Reasons You MUST Warm Up Before Exercising

The “You Can Do [GOAL] If You [PROCESS]” Headline

This framework is perfect for articles that will help people make progress towards their goals. It’s also great for attracting goal-seekers who want to know more about the process of achieving their dreams.


  • You Can Have the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted If You Follow This Advice
  • You Can Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days If You Follow These Simple Strategies
  • You Can Turn Your Hobby Into a Six-Figure Business If You Set These Goals


This headline is great for targeting people who are having trouble achieving something they really want because of a certain reason. It speaks to the audience by demonstrating that success is possible, even with obstacles in their way.


  • How I Gained Muscle Mass Despite Being Over 40
  • How I Became a Top eBay Seller Despite My Chronic Illness
  • How I Became a CEO at 22 Despite My Foreign Status
headline frameworks for copywriters

The “Secret” Headline

This headline is perfect for driving clicks from people who are interested in learning something that nobody else knows. It attracts audiences who already have a certain level of education and are looking to get to the next level.


  • The Secret of How to Write a Book in Less Than 24 Hours
  • The Secret to Passing Math Tests With Flying Colors
  • 10 Secrets to Making Your Garden Thrive

The “Important” Headline

The word “Important” can be exceptionally persuasive, because it triggers a person’s desire to stay on top of their life or business. This framework works great in email marketing and for certain types of articles.


  • The Most Important Thing I’ve Ever Learned About Blogging
  • Important Tips for Your First Marathon Training Session
  • 10 Important Things You Can Do to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

The “How [PERSON/I] Achieved [TRANSFORMATION]” Headline

This headline is perfect for content that will help people make incredible changes in their lives. It’s also great for attracting people who like to learn about other people’s achievements and might be inspired to try something new.


  • How I Became a Millionaire Investor at 22
  • How We Achieved $10,000 in Sales in Our First Month of Business
  • How I Lost 10 Pounds by Going Gluten-Free for 30 Days

The “News” Headline

Many people care about staying up to date with the world, so this headline is perfect for articles that include an element of news or novelty.


  • Breaking News: New Law Will Make It Illegal to Text While Driving
  • New Study Reveals How Bacteria Affect Your Moods
  • New Software Helps You Land Your Dream Job

The “Emergency” Headline

Humans are taught from a young age that we MUST respond in emergency situations. This framework leverages that instinct. This headline is great for catching people’s attention when they’re scrolling through social media.


  • Warning: You Could Be Paying Too Much for Your Electricity!
  • Is Your Child Depressed? 3 Signs That Seem Harmless But Aren’t.
  • Emergency Tips to Stay Safe In a Natural Disaster

The “[NUMBER] Little Known Ways To [ACHIEVE GOAL]” Headline

This framework plays on our desire to find knowledge that others do not have. It immediately frames the article as being written by an expert and implies that you’re sharing some sort of first-mover advantage.


  • 12 Little-Known Ways to Improve Your Writing Fast
  • 6 Little-Known Tips for Getting the Most out of LinkedIn Publishing
  • 3 Little Known Ways to Easily Improve Your Credit Score

The “[NUMBER] Reasons You’re Not [REACHING A GOAL]” Headline

This headline is perfect for targeting people who feel like they’re underperforming and need a wake-up call. It also works well to attract someone who is looking to start pursuing the goal soon.


  • 5 Reasons Your Networking Skills Aren’t Getting You New Clients
  • 15 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat Like You Want To
  • 7 Reasons Why You Aren’t Making as Much Money as You Should Be

The “Never Do [BORING/HATED TASK] Again” Headline

This headline is perfect for getting people to click on an article that will help them save time or avoid some sort of boring task.


  • Never Do Your Own Taxes Again With This Simple Hack
  • Never Clean Your House Again Using These 10 Tricks
  • Never Make Laundry Day a Chore Again Using These 5 Tips

The “You’ll Never Believe This” Headline

People love to be surprised, and this headline is guaranteed to do that. It’s perfect for getting people who are looking for some sort of curiosity or wonderment in their lives.


  • You’ll Never Believe What This Foul-Mouthed Mom Did on Twitter!
  • You’ll Never Believe What These Celebs Look Like with Their Natural Hair Color!
  • You’ll Never Guess What This Uncommon Spice Can Do For Your Health!

The “Who Else Wants [COMMON GOAL]” Headline

This framework makes the most of our desire not to get left behind by our peers, and employs the social proof of common needs and desires.


  • Who Else Wants to Own a Vacation Home in Fiji By Age 30?
  • Who Else Wants Bigger Arms in Just 6 Weeks?
  • Who Else Wants To Get Paid Up To $200 Per Hour?

The “Fastest Way To [ACHIEVE A GOAL]” Headline

This headline is perfect for capturing attention and suggesting efficiency. It’s great for attracting people who like to accomplish their goals as quickly as possible or need to accomplish something soon.


  • The Fastest Way To Learn a New Language (According to Science)
  • The Fastest Way To Get Ripped Abs According to Personal Trainers
  • The Fastest Way To Get a Second Mortgage

The “Easiest Way To [ACHIEVE A GOAL]” Headline

This headline is ideal for attracting people who are looking for an easy way to accomplish something. It’s perfect if you’re writing about a goal that seems insurmountable.


  • The Easiest Way To Lose 10 Pounds (According to Celebrity Trainers)
  • The Easiest Way To Get Ripped Abs (According to Fitness Experts)
  • The Easiest Way To Improve Your Credit Score
what is a headline formula

The “Powerful” Headline

This headline is perfect for targeting people who tend to be more motivated by seeing power in themselves or others. Everyone wants to feel like they have the power to accomplish their goals, and this headline taps into that need.


The Powerful New Mind Hack That Will Change Your Life Overnight!

The Powerful Mental Shift That Will Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection

The 7 Most Powerful Ways To Burn Fat Without Exercise

The “If You’re Like Most People” Headline

This headline is perfect for targeting people who feel like they’re alone or isolated in experiencing a certain problem. It’s great for getting those who might feel ashamed of their goal or feel like it makes them look bad.


  • If You’re Like Most People, You’re Not Making This Body Part a Priority
  • If You’re Like Most People, Your Credit Score Is ‘Below Average’
  • If You’re Like Most People, Cleaning Still Feels Like a Chore

The “Why [ACTION] Can Be Dangerous” Headline

This headline is great for targeting people who want to accomplish their goals as safely and efficiently as possible. It’s perfect for getting those who want to do things the right way without taking unnecessary risks.


  • Why Playing It Safe at Work Can Be Dangerous For Your Career
  • Why Taking Shortcuts to Lose Weight Can Be Deadly
  • Why Waiting Until the Last Minute to Plan Your Dream Vacation Can Be Costly

The “[NUMBER] Things You Won’t Believe Are Possible” Headline

This framework is perfect for targeting people who are looking for the next best thing or something that defies their expectations. It’s great for capturing attention from those who are on the hunt for things they haven’t seen before.


  • 10 Things You Won’t Believe Are Possible With Just Water
  • 13 Things You Won’t Believe Are Possible With Mascara
  • 14 Things You Won’t Believe Are Possible With Baking Soda


This headline is perfect for targeting people who want to accomplish their goals in the same way as others they admire. There’s a reason why so many celebrities and influencers have rabid followings on social media: we all want to do what they’re doing.


How To Make Money Like Elon Musk

How To Get Six Pack Abs Like Matthew McConaughey

How To Make Friends Like Oprah

The “Do You Make These [NUMBER] Mistakes When [ACTIVITY]?” Headline

This headline is great for targeting people who want to achieve their goals as efficiently and effectively as possible. It’s perfect for getting those who might be intimidated by what they don’t yet know or fear that they’re not doing things the right way.


Do You Make These 4 Mistakes When Baking?

Do You Make These 7 Mistakes When Reaching Out To Colleagues?

Do You Make These 5 Mistakes When Running Your First Marathon?

The “Meet the [EXPERT] Who Helps [AUDIENCE][REACH A GOAL]” Headline

This framework leverages the authority of others and is perfect for targeting fans of said individual. It’s great for getting those who like to do their research and follow the advice of experts.


  • Meet the Nutritionist Who Helps People Eat Pizza To Lose Weight
  • Meet the Rapper Who Helps Teens Improve Their Grades
  • Meet the Guy Who Helps Gamers Reach the Next Level

The “Do You Suffer From [PROBLEM]?” Headline

This framework targets people who are suffering from a particular problem or pain. It’s perfect for capturing attention from those who are in need of relief, even if they don’t know it yet.


  • Do You Suffer From Poor Posture? Do These 5 Things Everyday!
  • Do You Suffer From Social Anxiety? You’re Not Alone
  • Do You Suffer From Writer’s Block? Destroy It Permanently Today

The “[NUMBER] Reasons Why [COMMON PROBLEM OCCURS]” Headline

This headline is great for targeting people who want to understand why their particular problem occurs in the first place. It’s perfect for getting those who might not be aware of certain contributing factors or just need a refresher on what they already knew.


5 Reasons Why Your Posture Is Causing You Pain

7 Reasons Why Overthinking Can Be Dangerous

9 Reasons Why You’re Having Trouble Building Muscle

The “Are You Ready To [REACH A GOAL]” Headline

This headline is great for targeting people who might be suffering from a lack of self confidence or experiencing impostor syndrome. By asking “are you ready” it insinuates the following content will help them answer the question.


Are You Ready To Learn How To Lose 20 Pounds For Good?

Are You Ready To Get Into The Best Shape Of Your Life?

Are You Ready To Get That Dream Job?

The “What Everybody Ought to Know About [TOPIC]” Headline

This headline is great for targeting people who want the information everybody else has, but might not know exactly where to find it. It’s perfect for getting those who might be overwhelmed by the amount of content available on a particular topic and need guidance.


  • What Everybody Ought To Know About Spring Cleaning
  • What Everybody Ought To Know About Food Combining
  • What Everybody Ought To Know About Meditation For Anxiety Relief

The “Learn The [TECHNIQUE] That Made [FAMOUS PERSON] [DESIRED STATE]” Headline

This headline is perfect for targeting people who might be intimidated by those who have achieved great success in their lives. It’s great for getting those fans of said famous person, or striving to reach that level themselves.


  • Learn The Meditation Technique That Made Oprah Calm and Focused
  • Learn The Networking Technique That Made Elon Musk A Billionaire
  • Learn The Reading Strategy That Made Barack Obama One Of The World’s Most Powerful Men

Conclusion: Now You are Armed With My Headline Templates… Use Them For Good

Most people think of their headline as a title. However, it’s much more than that. Your headline should be a magnet that draws people in and grabs their attention right away. The headline should grab the reader’s attention and compel them to read on.

Likewise, every piece of text after the headline is responsible for getting the reader to move onward or take an action. Good copywriting will turn this into a flow that delivers the reader to your call to action in a state where they’re ready to click.

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About Alex

Copywizard and AI whisperer, digital and affiliate marketer - helping you build the business in your brain.